This champion of humanitarian director continues his path. For Invincible , his second film, she leaned on the fate of a war hero. Exclusively, Miss Jolie-Pitt talks about his fights and love of his tribe.
We meet Angelina Jolie in London at the Mandarin Oriental, where she gave a few interviews to the dropper. The most famous actress in the world, female influence outside class, has hardly need to comply with promotional exercises, and if she agrees to go out of its inaccessibility, it is because it defends the times- following his second film as a director. Invincible * war movie and "survival movie" wife fate of a Pacific hero Louis Zamperini, a true story that endorses and which it defends viscerally posts it conveys: that of the triumph of the will, dignity and spirit the face of adversity and barbarism.
Angelina Jolie intrigue and fascinate. His recent double mastectomy, she told with frankness in an article in an American newspaper, upset the women, it is an iconic model: sincere activist and woman of conviction who does nothing by halves. A symbol of good, in a way, papesse solidarity and agitator of consciences.
In an air-conditioned suite plunged into semi-darkness Mrs. Jolie-Pitt is curled on a couch and invites you to sit beside her. No assistant does keeping watch stopwatch in hand, and apart from the discreet presence of a bodyguard lurking on the floor, you do not notice any signs of unbearable marquee that usually accompanies meetings with Hollywood this template.
Angelina Jolie , 39, the anti-diva, is dressed in black from head to foot. Nothing ostentatious, became a classic and put his signature which it disposes that when playing the game the red carpet in sexy sheaths of a very American flavor. "Movie goddess" ( "goddess of the screen") and activist for human rights. She knew impossible equation solving with great credibility
The face is smooth and harmonious, a somewhat strange beauty, sometimes exotic (his mother was of Iroquois origin, she says proudly), and when she moves her long arms, encrypted tattoos appear sleeves. The eyes, huge, melancholy, appear blue in the dark. Beyond this exceptional physical, what is striking is the low voice and Olympian calm that woman yet unquiet and tormented "by a world that is out of its track," she says.
Jolie plunged into humanitarian there a dozen years. The starlet transgressive and vaguely sulfurous beginnings gave way to a powerful woman, decorated by the Queen of England, that debate in the UN, participated in the annual meeting in Davos and challenges the international institutions it considers "failing." woman in transition, it announced that it would stop very seriously before long her acting career to devote himself solely to achieving ( by the Sea , his third film, with Brad Pitt and Melanie Laurent, is already in a box) . In the style of Audrey Hepburn there twenty years pasionaria committed, it runs the world and inspects refugee camps. A piece of his existence which however happens after a family life "tribal" (Brad Pitt, whom she married this summer, and their six children), the absolute priority that nourishes the project to be an exemplary mother , as was his, actress Marcheline Marchand.
Madame Figaro. - What is the mood of the day? Angelina Jolie. - It is excellent. It is to defend a film I directed. I devoted many years of my life, and it is particularly dear to my heart. My investment was total. This is not a film selected at random, but the story of a man that mattered to me, the loss was painful (Louis Zamperini, she had approached, died at age 97 this summer, Ed ) and whose life vehicle uplifting messages which I deeply believe. This movie is somehow his will. A will that is not without importance in today's world, as illustrates the power of the human spirit, something that really matters to me. Was that your soul mate? It was a figure paternal. (She pauses at length.) Our meeting was not trivial. But all the people who approached this man say the same thing: the quality of their listening and empathy were exceptional. I heard my children, and it was upsetting to see an old heroic Mr. encouraging young people to fetch the best in them. Growing up, who were your heroes? My mother. Of course, there are the icons that everyone worships - Mother Teresa or Gandhi - but they seemed inaccessible to me while I was looking at this amazing mother, full of goodness and love, which she has not lived that easy moments with my father (actor Jon Voight, she stays away, Ed ). It was she who raised my brother and me, putting her acting career on hold. She feared life with infinite grace and generosity. I will never equal it, but I try. Obviously there is the cinema and politics, but if I do not show me a great mother to my children as it was for us, then I will have missed the most important to me. On your turn, you are a vibrant model for women. Is it sometimes a heavy status to wear? I am filled if any influence can be positive and improve the lives of some. But every morning I wake up with an even greater awareness of what I need to improve in me. There is so much to do. I hope to become a better person. It takes a life. Do you feel in charge of a responsibility? Sure. All public bodies have a responsibility, but mine is even greater, to the extent that I defend the values in which I am deeply attached. My life as a woman, my life as a mother, women's issues, women's health, all I care enormously. My work with the United Nations, my work for refugees and victims of sexual violence, all this is a huge responsibility that I accept with joy. Are you brave? I would be. I am a little. I try to keep sharp mind and sense of dignity in all circumstances. You sign a war movie, with all-male cast and fight scenes beefy ... I always liked historical films and film war. They show the best and worst of men, and they emphasize the extremes of the human condition. And history must be constantly remembered, not repeat it. World War drew the world today, it will not be forgotten. And beyond the duty of remembrance, this film reminds how we lost the sense of responsibility, that of solidarity and self-sacrifice, even if it is absurd to think that all this has disappeared. I believe it. I believe that beyond our differences we are all the same, and we should each contribute to the greatness of man. I see many beautiful and good will among the new generations, but we must guide and encourage them. We need credible leaders and better parents. I'm not blind, I also see the hatred, violence, conflict - there are now more refugees than there has ever been, even after the last war - and I fear . I see companies that derailed the failing institutions and leaders in the effort. But I remain hopeful. We must change that a drastically.
Will you embark in politics?
I have no specific plan, but I will go where I will be useful, it is a certainty. If an opportunity presents itself, if I believe to be the right person. If I can accomplish myself in this way, then the choice will be necessary. But I take it all very seriously, because it is extremely serious. I also know that if I got into politics, the impact on my family life would be enormous, and I am not at all comfortable with that. You seem very familiar with the psychology of men. Is this the example of Brad Pitt? I have a brother, I have a husband I have son. I have a lot of understanding and love for men. My husband taught me what a man and what he needs. My brother is close to me. And Louis Zamperini, I saw exactly what I want my son to become. Your children have seen your film? Maddox, the eldest, yes. He enjoyed while the film was not even mounted in its final version. He did not leave his seat. In the end, we talked a lot about the war and of God ... Do you have faith? I'm spiritual, but it is undefined. I do not think the man should be alone, and there are things beyond our understanding. But I do not want to believe in a God that would impose rules. I see God when I look in people's eyes, in those of my children or the children of others ... My mother was very religious, but it has not brought us in this spirit. She never told us, "You must do this," but "You should want to do that." Compassion should not be a religious rule written but a natural feeling, deep and shared. That is the essence of the human being. Do you feel better now? I am convinced that when making choices for the right reasons, you live your life with the best intentions. I do not want to hurt anyone, I try to understand others, I am close to my family, I know it's the right direction. I am very lucky to have this strong family, dear friends. I listen to my heart and I go to what I believe to be the truth. I try to be a better wife, a better mother, a better person ... Your tribe is it the epicenter of your life? I love that word "tribe" is the one I use to House. We truly live as a tribe. My children, my husband and I all have a strong individuality, but we share everything and are all one block. We learn from each other, we truly grow together. This force, I love and I cherish it. What do you hope for your kids? Compassion, education, consciousness. I want their first move either help or assistance. They sympathize and especially their feelings ..
Daisy Lowe and Caroline Flack displays her toned abs in a cropped polka dot
blouse as she steps out in London
*She is a successful model who is known for her sartorially chic displays.*
*And Daisy Lowe nailed retro chic as she stepped out for a casual stroll in
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